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When you’re in Orlando Florida check out these Adult Soccer Leagues

When you’re in Orlando Florida check out these Adult Soccer Leagues


The best thing about Orlando is you can play soccer year round and there are many options when it comes to playing soccer in a league.  I will do my best to guide you through the process of deciding which one will fit you best. 

In Orando you prety much can play any night of the week (including sundays), many times the location can be the decision maker, all dough I happen to know players that drive 1.5 hour to get to some leagues (for the love of the game). 

In this guide I will only talk about outdoor leagues that I have personally played in*

The Central Florida Soccer League: This is the largest soccer league in central Florida, with 100's of players ranging from men's open division, men's over 30, 40, 50, women's and COED. The format is 11v11 and for the men's teams all games are played on Sundays. And for the women's league all games are played on Thursday nights.  The location for the teams can change from week to week and they are all over central Florida. 

The 8COED soccer league: This league is located in Winter Park & down town Orlando. A huge number of people choose this league because of its great location. I personally like it because of the great fields and the good level of play. The league is 8v8 COED (5 male & 3 female players at all times) and the level of play varies on specific nights from intermediate to advanced. To check out what nights are open for coed soccer click here.

The sports and social club: This league also has good locations, some nights in Winter Park and some nights in Casselberry. The major difference between the 8coed and this league is the level of play. The sports and social is a beginner to intermediate type of league, which can work for people new to soccer or people trying to get back into soccer.  The format is the same 8v8 (5 male players and 3 female players at all times). Also, another thing to mention is that the fields are smaller in this league. 

I hope this helps when making the decision of where to play soccer in Orlando, FL. If you have questions or want to add to this article, you can do so in the comment area below. 

Until next time. 


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